Thursday, August 18, 2011

India should spent money on domestic problems rather then waste on moon exploration..?

is it not prudent to solve problems on earth before we go to other planets. we would then only have more problems that way. don't get me wrong it is an investment that should be exploited but if the population was healthier then the country would perform better thus the country would be more prepared for going into space if thats a way to convince india to spend more on domestic problems

Why do wwe superstars quit and go to Tna Impact?

Cus of how lame its become. thats why they trash talk it. They know Sharkboy copies stone cod. That's the point. Its making fun of austin. they go to TNA cus all their shows are in one area. except for their ppv's. WWE is in a different city every night all week. Their travel schedule is lighter

Do you think Manny Ramirez is over rated?

I cant stand him one bit! i think he is the most over rated player in baseball! When a-rod was confronted with using steroids he got a load of crap! but when manny gets caught using steroids (for women!!!!!!!!!!!!) he gets nothing!!!!! it makes me so mad! so does any one agree with me?

What countries are drowning bec of the melting ice caps?

none consider the m of the polar ice caps that are above sea level,(the ice below sea level won't rise the sea level) spread out over the area of the seas and oceans of the world would not rise the level that much. That is if you believe that the caps are melting.


Im about to buy a new motherboard with a FSB speed of 1333mhz...does that mean that my processor also has to be 1333mhz? right now its 1033 i think, but running at 1200mhz FSB So someone please help

Are you in favor of gun control?

Oh how I used to be! But now after having seen Martial Law, I understand that every govt on earth first takes away the guns, then the freedoms, then they do whatever they want with you. Mao, Clinton, Stalin, Bush, Hitler, they have all done it and contrary to what people think bush is destroying the 2nd amendment. Gun registration in to track law abiding americans, not criminals, since a criminal would never register a gun by definition. America is a violent violent culture and is being taught to be that way, look at what my parents watch in primetime, criminal minds, csi, law and order, nypd blue etc..not to mention the news...its all their to get you to think about violence so we all give it thought so we make more of it. But we must have guns, and powerful ones at that, that can body armor when the atf come into our homes to confie our guns by force like they did to the millionaires during katrina. Peace.

Does anyone still think autotune is cool?

Apparently, Will.I.Am thinks so. I feel sorry for the other 2 guys whatever the hell their names are. Will.I.Am and Fergie hog the spotlight and they suck. What are your thoughts?

Does a 1990 g reg 2litre honda prelude ex have a hydraulic gear box?

my gears were crunching yesterday and now i cant get any gear at all. a friend says it may have an hydraulic gearbox which cn be drained and cleaned but how do i check as i cant get it to a garage? my brother is ok at working on cars but needs to know what he is looking for.

Fishing for shark, whats the best bait?

Which type of bait fish is best and can I go buy it in a store frozen or something and thaw it out and use it? Will this work?

I need names of Lebanese TV channels on Nilesat (to learn Lebanese Arabic)?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Is this mean ?

I am a latina. But, I am not into latino men. Almost every latino guy I meet is stuck-up, wanna be gangsta and rude. I'm not saying all latinos are like that, i'm just saying some are. I find black and white guys attractive. Something about them I just get into. I always say I like my black guys nice and bulky like Morris Chestnut and Taye Diggs and my white guys like Adam Levine and Robert Pattinson .

What is cochlear implants?

The best answer you will get is from your doctor.. they will know these all of these answers. And be sure to ask about complications before/after the surgery and any risks.

What Defense should I start?

I have the Ravens which I think usually have a great defense but they have not been showing it the past few weeks. Should I keep them or pick up the Titans this week who play the cowboys or the Ravens play the Broncos. Thanks.

Why isn't USC #1 in the polls? Is there an East Coast bias here?

Their "D" is clearly #1 and their "O" took a week off when Sanchez was hurt in the Oregon State game. No ne could touch them now. Agree?

Why is the difference between you going by the constitution and koran, if the cont. was writen by men?

If the Constitution was written by VERY falliable men, why do we have to go by that instead of the Koran?

How does my team look for week 14? Any changes you would make?

Personally I wouldn't play Kitna. But Cel has the freakin Chargers. But hell they let Oakland score an *** of points against them last week. I guess if Kitna feels good for you go with him. I just think he hardly puts up 200 yards. Hell Carson Palmer probably is still on free agency and he puts up just as much as Kitna. And the Bengals probably will end up throwing it a bunch since they cant run against that Steelers D.

I'm gonna look like a big jerk?

My friends where trying to hook me up with this girl. She's really nice, but she's just not my type at all. I'm an active musician, play around a lot and meet my fair share of girls. Problem is most of the girls I meet this way are pretty promiscuous and I want a "good girl". My friends went overboard in the "good girl" area. Her idea of fun is scrabble, and mine is.. well.. not scrabble. She was totally into me though and I'm just not into her. We've hung out a few times and its always awkward and boring. What can I do to let her know without seeming like a jerk to her and my friends?

Pope Benedict the antichrist, do you believe in him?

I think people who point fingers at others are themselves the antichrist.The Devil would get scared of when he sees the evil that goes on in a an evil person's mind.I do not believe just one person will manifest ultimate evil(Lucifer).What about Bin Laden or Saddam Hussein?What about the killings of Christians and burning of churches of India by Hindus.Don't they have an anti-christian/antichrist attitude?

What stocks are good to buy now if there will be a lot of hurricanes this year.?

Years ago I remember reading about propane stocks going up since a lot of people would lose power and need propane to cook with. ANy ideas?

I have two daggers in maplestory and i need to know the auction price for them?

Hi. i have a dawn's raven beak+1 and a (grey) angelic betrayal(both daggers) and i need tto know the true price for them

Is there ANYONE who thinks the Texans might actually pull it off?

well they were the last team to beat them...there is always a chance...always a chance to win...yall won last time and i would be a very happy camper if they did

Good sweet 16 banquet halls??

Use a community building. When you need to plan a cheap party, think of alternative places to hold the party. Many ideas would work perfectly and save money at the same time. The community buildings at a park are usually pretty cheap. If it is a summer month, you could even just rent one of the shelters at the park and have your celebration under the stars. Also, contact your local church. If they have a fellowship hall you might have a opportunity to save alot of money.

Where does Pat go?

Where does Pat Hughes go during the 7th or 8th inning, I can't remember which, but he always leaves and someone else comes in to talk.

Shadow of the Day V.S. With Or Without You.....?

Anyone agrees that Linkin Park Stole Shadow of the Day from U2's clic masterpiece With Or Without You???

Help,what is the color of the positive connector?

Will probably be red with a black for the earth. However, when you take the old one out the connections should be the same as the new one. Just replicate the connections one to the other.

USAF Wives?

My husband will deploy in Sept. to Kuwait, is that a safer than Iraq? Also, If I give birth while he is deployed how long will he get to come home for? he is in A.P.S. Thanks! Best answer = 10pts

Does 2012 anticipation conflict with Creationist belief?

Sin does deserve death, and it will lead to hell,, unless you get saved and say sorry to god, it is even easier in some ways to go to heaven then hell. and the rapture will only come, as the bible says when every human being has had a chance to convert to christianity so no everyone will at least have heard of it at a time. All people will have heard all they need to hear to be saved, if they do not get saved it only means they can't possibly be saved until the rapture no matter how much you teach them, or not at all because of the stubbornness of man. and The bible says no person knows the times of the rapture but god the father, and there is a good chance that the world will not end in 2012, it could end then or 20 yrs from now. and also there are movies and books on why evolution is wrong. Even the creator of it said that if anything is found more complex then what was known then then his theory would be false, and he himself on some accounts turned to a life of god. Charles Darwin I think he was. Besides evolution alone could not have created the tiny very complex machine in the flagella, and yes it is a literal machine made out of protein. Also there is no real proof the earth was here billions of yrs. things that old could never be accurately aged. do you really think man alone can find out what exactly happened so so so so so so so long ago? the only real proof of age is written accounts, according to the bible people didn't speak in 4000 b.c they spoke all the time.and if the planets could ever cause the end of the world, then if the earth is 4.5 billion years old, why hasn't the planets destroyed the earth in the 141,912,000,000,000,000 seconds its been here? (and yes that is 141 quadrillion) Speaking of alignment of the earth, what are he odds that the planets are so perfectly aligned that life can even be here4? an inch closer to the sun we die. and inch farther we die. any bigger we would have a part of the earth to close and we die. and smaller and it would be too small for atmosphere. the big bang alone could never have done this. its exactly like taking grinded and messed up parts of a car blowing it up and getting a well put together car. but no matter how many times you did that it would never make a car. stick to christianity and your old beliefs dont fall to the false science of man. God bless!

Good file downloading program?

I used to use Ares, until it crashed my PC. Now I have LimeWire and Blubster, but my friend who had his PC checked after it crashed was told to get rid of Blubster because it gave his PC a major virus. So Ares and Blubster are out of the picture. Does anyone know if LimeWire is an okay file-sharing program, or should I get rid of it? And.....what IS a good, free file-sharing program??

I want to auction a stone on ebay?

its a real cool find, a pebble that looks exactly like a alien(grey man)head and clear as day eyes and nose what catorgory should i put it into on ebay,as i cant find one to list it in,only seriuos answeres plz

Are you a limited "I" "self" "me" or are you the unlimited conscious cosmic body of wholeness?

Indeed, which is why Yeshua, Muhammad, Buddha and all other ancient sages commanded us to seek the "kingdom" within as this is were true oneness first begins. To bring balance and order to the universe or as you state, fit all the pieces of the puzzle together, we must 1st do this within ourselves as the delusions of this realm can cause fracture to ones inner connetions.

Myspace layouts?

can someone help me find or give me a layout for myspace of a hemi cuda,plymouth cuda,barracuda u no.?

What can I do with very small fabric scraps left over from sewing projects? Use vs. throw away?

I've gotten into sewing lately but there's one thing that is sort of bothering me... I end up with a ton of very small and/or very awkwardly shaped fabric scraps. I'm trying to live "green" and it just seems wasteful to throw away these bits of fabric, however I can think of no other use for them (besides quilting, but I am not a quilter and I know no quilters). Any ideas for ways I can use these small/awkwardly shaped pieces of fabric? Thank you!

Anyone experience TRUE LOVE?

As shallow & superficial as this will sound but i just want to know your thoughts on this. I am 24 & in a long term relationship with my boyfriend and its pretty much marriage material. The thing is that I am not really physically attracted to him but I think I do love him..I mean, what is love really??..I think the reason I'm staying is because I don't really want to go back into all that dating/single drama again. And also he is financially very well off which is something i guess all women want.. I don't want to be worried/stressed about bills/morgage payments etc in the future. I don't think I believe in love. I think if you stay with a person long enough you will grow to like (love) them..I know i sound cynical/pessimistic/stupid even..but thats how i feel. But I do have brothers who I would give my life for..I guess thats Love..When you will give your own happiness for another? What are your thoughts/advice on this? Anyone in the same situation? Or have been where I've been?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Do stitches hurt?And what do they do to it.?

i'm getting stitches for this cut I have it's about 1 centameter and about 3 milimeters deep from a sharpened leaherman blade on my index finger. My dad says its not healing so my mom is going to take me to the docter tomarow and I need to find out if it hurts and what they do to it.

Bristish lingo anyone?

good for you, you are crazy and will be even crazier in the future. you will leave coded notes about the want to punish/hurt others. caused by ridicule over lack of correctly speaking.

How did we go from Bush Prosperity to Obama Recession?

Anybody can be prosperous with a big enough credit card. Bush used it to pay for wars and tax cuts, and now the bills are coming due. Anyway, the only ones who enjoyed prosperity during the Bush years were the top 1-2 percent of income earners. The rest of us haven't had a pay raise compared to inflation since Carter was president.

Ideas for career project visual?

So I am doing a career exploration project in one of my cles, and it is required that I have a visual as a part of my presentation. The career I chose is to be a marketing director of a fashion company. Can anybody come up with a good idea for a visual to represent what being a fashion marketing director is all about, that isnt too difficult to put together? Thanks so much for your help!

So I have this theory...... (READ!!!!)?

David Blaine a href="" rel="nofollow"

How is a student-teacher dating relationship moral/ethical/morally legal/GOOD?

the fundamental ethical issue is exploitation and power differential. When you're talking about a student who's a minor, there is no way to support that side of the debate. So move it out into adult teacher with adult student (grad school). That way you can shift the argument safely onto consenting adults /adult judgment. Still need to address the power/exploitation risk (date once the student is out of the cl, transfer grading to another teacher, etc.). As for the affirmative side, you can take the approach of two adults sharing a research quest, each energizing the other, and because they share ideas so easily, really creative thinking flows. Like minds supporting each other. Less pressure to balance work and play, since they're already intermingled. Think mentor ~muse.

Geometry problem?

The answer should be 692. The formula for the surface area of a rectangular prism is 2ab + 2bc +2ac. So..2(15)(8) + 2(8)(11) + 2(11)(15) = 746. BUT, there are those six rectangular holes, which are 3 X 3 each. So each of them has a surface area of 9, so 6 X 9 = 54. Subrtract that from 746 and you will get 692. Oh, and add the surface area of the imbedded rectangle holes, so that will give you 3 * 11 * 4 which will give you 132. And there is 3 of those, so 132 * 3= 396. Add taht to the 692 and you will get 1088 cm^3.

Who's your inspiration celeb !?

Me, my inspiration celebs are lady gaga because she taught me that's its ok to be different , ke$ha because she taught me how to be my self and don't care of what people say , Bruno mars cause he taught me to do something for the person u love , Taylor swift cause she taught me that not every boy-girl going to treat me right

Visiting my sons home. My husband is not very familiar with the layout of the house which is very large.?

She certainly is making a mountain out of a molehill. In my family we would have laughed about it. I'm sorry but I have no idea what you should do now other than just hope it blows over.

Which country would Harvey's have a great success in France or India?

If Harvey's were to expand into both France and India which country would Harvey's do the best in? and why would Harvey's have potential success in that country?

Wii or nintendo ds lite?

right im a chick who knows nothing about technology. partner and i are planning to get a wii or a nintendo ds for me. I have heard a wii is fab for more than one player but just confused. i would appreciate any advise, we have a ps2 and an xbox oh and a game cube and hardly play those.

Are uggs out of style?

Everyone on the internet is saying that everything ugg boot brand is out of style, but everyone in my school constinues to wear them, and people in other towns where them too (i live in southern california). What do you guys think?

17 year old fiancee needs help?

legally NO :( not unless she gets emancipated from her parents but until she turns 18 they run her life

Help By the text given am I a good rapper?

Ok well I love singin and rapping, and i wanna no if I'm a good rapper. I can easily rapp both Flo rida and nicki minaj parts in where them girl at. I can also rap the lil Wayne part in No Love but I stutter a bit on the eminem part. I can also rap a lotta other stuff. I'm thirteen and some of my guy friends say I'm good but they could just be saying that cuz they don't wanna hurt my feelings. Please help.

Is the Trevor Project any good?

The trevor project tells young gays that they cannot change their ual orientation, robbed of all hope for a change and normal life, many of these kids kill themselves.

Do you think that any of these science fiction [Stargate, Star Wars. Star Trek] jokes are funny? Thanks!?

Ok so maybe i'm a geek, but I really liked those. Some were funny, some were cute, but they were all cool.

Whats the worst thing you have ever done to your partner?

Cad had a partner once.She made him so angry, one day he cleaned the toilet with her tooth brush! Didn't kiss her for a month.


a genie in a bottle pops out and says you can have one or the other, any cc, which one do you choose and why?

What is the reaction between ammonium hydroxide 6M and nickel(II) chloride .5M?

What is the chemical reaction between ammonium hydroxide and nickel (II) chloride? When mixed, does the solution turn purlple or does it precipitate?

Buying ps3 help?

If it is stolen yes you will get in trouble cause as soon as you go online with the ps3 it will trace back to your house.... Go on Ebay and buy one that way there is Some buyer protection because in order to sell things on ebay you have to verified which means you have to submit huge amounts of indentity information...THey even ask you to select where you lived ten years ago and if you select wrong the verification process ends and you cannot set up an eaby sellers account.

Is it just me or has Raw been incredibly boring the last 3weeks.

I don't think its boring. Chris Jericho is boring though. You are right about that. I would say to Chris Jericho, " you've matured that's why you have no fans. You aren't funny anymore, your BORING."

If you had Superman's powers, would you charge for services?

Is it wrong to ask for compensation for the services you render? I understand by having such powers you would have a unique responsibility to use them for good. But in doing so, would it be fair to ask the community for monetary compensation? If so, where would you draw the line?

How do i put it on my desktop computer?

felix the cat desktop pet, free download, how do i put it on my desktop computer? thank you for your kind attention

Uncut and idk wat will happen.?

This isn't true, for many men have ual without being circised. The foreskin will hug your so it won't cause you any pain. You may be sensitive due to the friction, but that's all. If you really want to, you can ask her about being circised, but it's not necessary. Hope this helps.

How many different nitrogen bases are there (including those found in DNA and RNA)?

There are 5 mitrogeneous bases - Uracil, Guanine, Cytosine, Adenine, and Thymine TYPICALLY. But there are more. I would think though that most likely that would be correct on a lower level, if you are in college, it probably is wrong. Check with your teacher!

Is Oz the most under rated show ever??

I've been watching the boxsets for series 1 and 2, it is soooo good!! Ryan O'Reilly and Chris Keller really are y! The stories are hard hitting and the acting fab. This really ahs to be one of the best shows ever! Any fans?

Was I being oversensitive?

Yesterday was the 2 year anniversary of my brother's death & I started my period. It was an emotional day. I came home from work and cleaned and offered to cook for my husband. Then, I snuggled up in my pj's to watch tv. He wanted me to go out. I explained I didn't feel like it and why. He was really mean and pressured me to go. I finally just said NO WAY. So, he left. Normally, no big deal but last night I didn't feel like being alone. Was he a little insensitive or was it my problem and I was just moody?

Would aftermarket steel wheels weigh more than stock jeep wheels?

I have a 03 jeep wrangler and looking to upgrade to black wheels. I was wondering if the difference between steel and alloy wheels is worth paying double.

Does restless leg syndrome affect the arms at the same time?

is it suppose to feel painfull like electric shocks? i get this as im falling asleep and dread it every night.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Help with chemistry plz!!!?

keep dividing .050 until it reaches that. In your calculator it will say 7.8 e10^-4. I would do it but I dont have my calc. THen take the number of how many times you divided it and times that number by 6.

PLz ans this ques .all are welcome and serious ans only plz?

1 girl(i like) told me dat she may like any other boy other than me.does she want 2 say she likes me????She had an ex-bf.and she told me she dosent like him any more.and shes quite frank with me

Asteroid tonight? visible from US?

This article I read said visible from Africa, it didn't say whether it visible from the US or not though.

How can I fix my computer registry file when my computer is corrupted?

I have a file in the registry called ESQUL. I think it has sys after it. There are five files that constantly come up as corrupt when I scan my computer with SuperAntiSpyware. I delete the files once the scanning is complete, but the file re-appears after re-boot. I have noticed that my computer is running slower. I have tried deleting the file manually, but it doesn't work. It won't allow me to delete the file. I ran different anti-spyware programs, but none of them detect the ESQUL file. I tried running registry cleaners, but I have to pay to delete the findings. I don't know which one is worth it. Can someone pleas help me?

How can I convince my little sister that Santa Claus is real?

My 6 year old sister has lost faith in Santa because someone at school told her that he is not real and that he is really her parents. I need to figure out a way to convince her that Santa is real. Please help!

Is there any evidence for Creationism yet?

It's been a month since the last time I asked this. I haven't been keeping up with all of the new Creationist publications so I need you to fill me in. Has anyone found any objective scientific evidence for Young Earth Creationism yet? Anything that could p peer-review? Anything at all?

Did you/do you have premarital counseling? Did it just reinforce whether you wanted to be with that person?

when i was 18 my parents insisted i have it with my then fiance. after seeing the disrespectful and lame way he answered and acted in only one session, i broke up with him. i see that as dodging a huge bullet to this day.

Cutting calories, portions, & exerciszing. Ketones in my urine. Does this mean I am doing Atkins w/o realizing?

The key for losing weight is easy - consume less and exercise more often - the problems appear when we actually try to put that into operation! There are plenty of opportunities to fail in the real world aren't there?! The sole thing that definitely worked for me was green tea, it can be checked out in the resource box below, they have a few free trials in stock, it was featured in Fox News and CNN. I worked off 25 pounds, it definitely does produce success!

Can anyone recommend a good, balanced book on Creationism?

I want to learn more about Creationism. However, I want to read material written with a high degree of impartiality. I don't mind if it was written by a Fundamentalist- but I would prefer that the book is fair and as objective as possible. I want the book to be scholarly. Can anyone make any recommendations?

What is the statistical probability of an 18 year old developing ovarian cancer?

it could be a bladder infection which could turn into a kidney infection, you should go to the doctor and get it checked, it doesn't mean it's cancer--just go to a doctor, could be something that can be treated with a simple antibiotic!

I'm filling out my fafsa thing and I have a question?

My boyfriend has been living with my mom and I since January and I was wondering, the question where it says "The number of family members (household)" would my boyfriend be considered a family member? My mom said not to put him because he isn't a dependent of hers, but he lives with us and isn't moving back to his mom's house anytime soon. Another question I guess, can my boyfriend still use his mother's info for fafsa even if he doesn't live with her?

How come when I accidently exit out of facebook chats..?

They loose my old ims. Is their anyway too retrieve them again, I haven't exited or logged out of facebook at all?

What do you think about the latest news about the “innocent Mexican kid’ killed by a U.S. Border Patrol agent?

Have any of you got a 15 year old son, daughter, brother or sister? If they threw rocks at a policeman in your town, or across the Mexican border, would it be okay if he/she was shot dead? If your answer is yes, well then ....

Why are guys so confusing?

There's a guy in my cl that I asked to sadie hawkins and apparently he had liked me for a few months but was really shy (This was in early February). We hooked up for a long time at the dance but other than physical attraction I don't think we have a lot of chemistry. I continued liking him because I'd heard rumors that he was going to ask me out. It never happened so I stopped talking to him and then he began avoiding me like the plague. I noticed him looking at me in cl again the other day for the first time in a month, and he talked to me online a few nights ago and apologized for not asking me out. We agreed that we aren't into relationships in high school (I was expecting a date, not for it to go anywhere or get serious) and ended up having a friendly conversation afterwards and he ended it with a "goodnight :)". Yet, he hasn't talked to me at school in ages. We've smiled at each other but that's it. Why did he have that conversation with me? To clear his conscious (for no reason)? Should I even bother building any type of relationship (friendship) with him?

Question for Fundamental Chrisitans and Hagee and Pat Robertson supporters?

Now that we had Hurricane Katrina and We heard John Hagee's comment on how God did it and Pat Robertson's really equally bad comment about the Haiti people getting hit with an earth quake ..Are they going crawl out of the wood work now and make snide remarks about California getting hit with a 7.2 earthquake? Just wondering because those little weasels only come out when something bad happens..

If Abraham was Sari's Lord,Why do we call God & Jesus Lord?

Sarah, who is about 90 years old and has gone through menopause, laughs at God when he tells her that she will have a son. She asks God if she will "have pleasure" with her "Lord" [Abraham], when both are so very old. God ures her that he will return and impregnate her at the appointed time. 18:11-14

Flights to Khon Kaen, Sukhotai and Ubon?

Please tell me which airlines are operating from Bangkok to each of these 3 places, namely Khon Kaen,Sukhotai and Ubon.


In What ways do the rights of embly and petiton help safe guard the electoral political system in united states.

Should this lady have been sacked for appearing in a charity photo shoot in her underwear?

Personally it wouldn't bother me but I can see their point also........... she should have known if she used Donnie the Dog's head in her photoshoot she would be in trouble as bringing the club's name into it, but wouldn't upset me at all....I feel sorry for poor Donnie hehe

Can find this song on myspace//?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How do i do this hairstyle? 1 points!!!!!!!!!?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Shawn MIchaels Road to Wrestlemania?

in the second match you have to face jbl but orton distracts the ref and when I try pinning jbl he is looking at orton and when I attack orton nothing happens.. How do I win?

School loan help please?

I think they are asking for W2's and tax info to see if your financial situation has changed and whether you qualify for a grant (which you don't have to pay back, but is only given in low income cases for financial need). If you are working, maybe you can take out a personal loan from a bank or other financial institution. Otherwise, to renew or get a new federal govt. (Stafford) student loan, you're going to have to complete the whole financial aid package.

Comparing and Contrasting The nymph's reply to the shepherd and A Mistress's Eyes are Nothing Like a Sun?

Need help understanding the story. What is similar and difference? Any literary devices such as theme, imagery, symbol and speaker. Main idea of the poem.

After most of the Wrestlemania match-ups are now known... How much would you pay for this PPV?

I think Triple H vs Undertaker is main event. If it isn�t it should be a main event. And Triple H should win that match

Will everyone please rate my poemss? and Critic them? any advice will help. I know its alot...?

They are beautiful poems that you can tell came from the heart.To me even though I'm not a girl I think that most of it depicts what a lot of girls go through.Thinking that no one understands them except for them and sometimes your lost in life and mad that no one is guiding you.

I know this girl who was d ........?

she hasnt told anyone but acouple of her friends give me advice to give her please this happend last summer whwen she was 15

Can a police officer read a 911 record?

I retrieved a 911 transcript and I found it difficult to understand so I asked an officer and he looked a little confused and said that it looks like a typo. The transcript says "MC locked the door" What does MC stand for?

Presidential Election Test Tomorrow!!!?

Okay so i have a social studies test tomorrow on the presidential elections. stuff like the electoral college, how everyone works for the common people; and how it all works. I'm confused with it all; can someone explain it all to me very thoroghly and simply? thank you all help appreciated very much!!!!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Mac users is this offer worth it?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Should Doctors only treat patients from the country they studied in?

A recent quite disgraceful Question asked why (presumably Americans) should be treated by 'outside' doctors from countries where they'd studied. A sad, and benighted question admittedly, - but wouldn't it be more appropriate to ask where the USA would be if only 'home-grown doctors' were allowed to practice?

Need help on which laptop processor and wireless card to get?

my budget is under $1000 so Im either going with a Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T5900 (2.20GHz/800Mhz FSB/1MB cache) and then a Dell Wireless 1397 802.11g Half Mini-Card or a Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T5800 (2.00GHz/800Mhz FSB/2MB cache) and a Intel®WiFi Link 5100 802.11agn Half Mini-Card. Basically my question is, is 2.2g800mhz that much faster than a 2.0g and is the 5100 wirelss that much better than the 1397?

My cousin continues to smoke around her 3 year old VERY sick child?

You have a right to be concerned about a family member, especially a baby. Your cousin is an inine psycho. Slap her face and push her in the pool.

A Great Song For A Singing Contest?? PLEASE!!!?

So, I know there are a lot of good songs to sing, but I need help to help my friend pick a song. I need a CONTEMPORARY STRONG song, not an old one. She has a good voice and a wide range, so don't worry about that. Her voice is kinda pop but she can also sing a little R&B. I think her voice adecuates more to Leona Lewis, Kelly Clarkson-ish songs. I would like her to sing something like "bleeding love", but that song is a little old and we've heard it so many times it's boring now. The fact that I said that she has leona lewis kelly clarkson-ish voice doesn't mean that I want songs only from those two artists. PLEASE HELP... I will choose a best answer

Auto choice dilemma: What should I do? Do people really care what the sales person drives?

its cheaper to keep her. new cars always mean higher insurance.....and yes...dont buy from ford if the guy drives a dodge

How long can chicken be sitting out before it goes bad?

I left chicken sitting on the counter to thaw for about 8 hours. Never made it home to fix it. I put it back in the freezer when I got home. If I take it out, thaw it today, cook it tonight. Will I be okay?

Are verbal contracts binding when starting a new job, regarding description, duties, etc..?

During the hiring process you probably signed lots of papers you either did not or was not given time to read. Most of these employers have a sentence something like this, "......and other duties as igned." Most, if not all companies require you to sign a paper stating you will work ..."any shift needed." Ask to see all the papers you signed. Go over them and see if you signed anything to this effect. If you did, you have no recourse (but to quit) but to do the jobs igned. If I were you I would look for another job and be VERY aware of the promises made and ask for them to be put in writing.

Are there alligators in the Jacksonville Florida area?

Are there alligators just out in the open? I see a lot about alligator farms, but are they in the pools and ponds that I see behind much of the housing?

It's been almost a month now - infidelity?

My husband came to me over Memorial weekend & told me he had been having an affair for the past year. Can't get into counseling until July 22 (first available appointment) & as time goes on, he'd thinking we don't need the counseling. We both want to work it out & I believe him when he says he truly regrets it & now knows I'm his life partner. He's more in love with me now than ever. So why do I feel so down? I just graduated with honors from Medical School in May. I'm 51 years young. I've been trying to obtain employment - jobs are scarce. My 11 year old granddaughter has been with me during the day while school is out & her mom is at work. Mom & her boyfriend are in the process of buying a house. I was really excited for her before my husband told me about his affair - and offered to help out as much as I can. She's asked me to help her clean her apartment, go through the final walk through, go shopping etc., and I haven't done any of that. By the time she comes & picks up her daughter, I just want to spend time with my husband. She knows somethings up & has inquired, however, I have told her that I'm just going through some personal issues. She knows it's between me & my husband, however, she thinks it's about money. I almost welcome that because I'd be devastated if she thought it was about any affair - so I just go with it. I want to feel happy again. I want to trust my husband again. How can I do this?

What name do you like?

I'm sorry if you don't approve, but I think that those names are a bit too known and overused. In the future, there will be a m influx of people with those names. In our school as it is, I know about 13 James and 8 Johns. If you name your son Leonardo, people might make fun of him for being named after Leonardo Davinci or maybe expect him to be a genius (like his namesake). But putting all those aside, I think you should name him James Alexander. If you have an upcoming child, congratulations ^_^

I think Neutrogena made my skin even worset!! Pleas help?

Alright so i'm 13, my skin wasn't just awful but I had some break outs and stuff and I really really really want to have perfect skin. But i'm on a bit of a budget. So I bought the Neutrogena Wave and a Neutrogena Pore Refining Cleanser right? I've been using them both over the past few days The Neturgena Wave nightly and usually the Cleanser in the morning. I noticed a few nights ago that I had some break outs on my face where i've never had break outs before and a few black and white heads. My face has a lot more break outs then it did before and it's now REALLY dry. Uhhh where did I go wrong? And what is some great products I could use for my face now that's under $15? Thank-you.

Help in movie title !?

umm there's this movie that they made as a parody or should i say spoof or maybe just making fun of ... the movie twilight eclipse ! its just a regular video on youtube but a movie that theyll sell on dvd cd's umm just like the movie "" disaster movie " n those stuff anyways umm i looked for it but i didnt find it on youtube because i dont remember its title anyways hope u can help ! :)

Cheetah girls 3 online???

hello people!!!!!!!! i need a link where i cant watch the cheetah girls 3 online, for free, right now i know its on disney channel tonight but i cant watch it because i am busy!!!!! and i dont want to here about how much u hate the cheetah girls or anything like that because i dont really care =]

I have Frozen Vegetables but I?

I don't have a freezer but I love frozen vegetables. Can I keep them in the Refridgerator? They are thawed but I would heat them up in the microwave before eating them.

How can I check to see if my llc was recoded ? (In california)?

I had my partner's accountant do the registration for our LLC, and it's been almost 10 days, and everyday he says he has not got confirmation.. Is there a web site where new corporations get recorded so I can check myself?

Make a countdown of your favorite baseball moments since 2000?

Just want to see what yall think is the best. And please try to make them something everyone can maybe remember..Thanks... :)

So how good is my Fantasy Football team?

I say you should drop 1 of your kickers and pick up a defense. You really only need one kicker, and plus that is a waste of a bench spot, but thats just my opinion

Gulliver's Travels.....?

We're reading in cl Gulliver's Travels but only Part IV...when he goes to visit the Houyhnhnm and the Yahoos....I need to find three tones in this book and I've only got two....I have the cynical tone and the bitter tone...I need help with the last one....please help!!

GUYS: Is this how you treat girls that you like? I need some opinions?

yes, he obviously likes u and is obviously quite shy which is why he finds it hard to talk with u in person, maybe u should try talkin to him when u see him. if u like him, u should ask him out one nite to see a film or wotever, i cant imagine he'd say no, so go for it lol. if there was a girl i liked n she asked me out, i definitely wouldnt say no. n he definitely likes u, so he wont say no. lol catch my drift?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

If a planeful of MIMES crashed into a mountain, would you cry real, alligator, or fake-a s s mime tears??

you need to visualize this: i'd ball my fists up, bring them near my eyes, elbows outward, and twist the fists back and forth while frowning to the best of my ability.

Will Republicans please oppose the AZ bill?

It would be constitutionally challenged. I'd think they could never p a law demanding people show proof of citizenship just for walking down the street. That is a clear violation of your human rights, and if you are American, your civil rights granted to you in the constitution.

What does chocolate do for women during their periods?

So my wife will often tell me she NEEDS chocolate during her period, that it provides vitamins that NO OTHER food or vitamin pill can provide. To be honest with you, I find this to be a crock, I don't think women NEED chocolate during that time, I think it is just an excuse??

Are Steelers in trouble?

Batch is a credible back up but no Ben. Troy out for who knows. So if Ben can't go next week or 2 weeks are they in trouble?

Uncomfortable moral dilema... could you do it?

Could I kill the kitten first so I don't have to listen to it whine while I hack it's paws off? That can get soooo annoying!

How do I prevent my pencil eyeliner from breaking when I sharpen it?

when i try to sharpen it it gets sharp but its loose then i touch it and it breaks off then i try to sharpen it again and it just breaks halfway through. im using maybelline eyeliner and a wet n' wild sharpener if that helps.

Everyone is freaking out about this tsunami! what should i tell them?

How can i rephrase this? "To everyone freaking out about the tsunami - you cant run away from death! "

Shelton benjamin is a future hall of famer?

sure he wasnt wwe champ but lets be honest, how many guys in the wwe can say they had a career like shelton benjamin so he is a future hall of famer.

Tax ref.�9180 per. all.+�6625mar. all. total�15805,less pensions leaves�6030.?

If pens. are more than �9502 tax payable 20% on first�34600.40%tax on�44102. Sunlife insurance bond which allows yrly 5% interest withdrawal tax free.can I also withdraw some capital tax free ?.

Who on here agrees with me?

The Colts are going downhill. They lost Dungy. The Titans arent going to be nearly as good u can count on that. The Texans are going up. Schaub and Andre Johnson are one of the best duos in the league. Their defense is good and Super Mario is an elite end who changes the way opposing offenses play them. The Saints have the most explosive offense in the league and they will be much better with a good draftpick who can stuff the run. Both teams could make it.

Help!!! Chemistry HW Question?

In one hour, what are the chances that a nucleus of an isotope with a half-life of one hour will undergo decay???

Alright, so there's this guy.. And now I'm confused?

Grow a pair and go after Michelle. That will throw him off! It will then leave the possibility of a m�nage � trois which can be beneficial to both of you.

By definition conservatives are racist and phobic?

They want to "conserve" things the way they are, right? Well, that used to mean slavery; now, it means keeping white people the majority in America. It also means denying equal rights under the law to gay people.

Why would Showtime air the movie, "Agora" when it slanders and distorts Christianity & its history?

AGORA is a well-made attack on Christianity that falsely claims that Christians burned down the great ancient library in Alexandria in 391 A.D. to also falsely claim that Christian leaders back then opposed legitimate scientific inquiry about the natural world and the cosmos. In reality, Julius Caesar accidently burned down the library when he attacked Alexandria in about 48 B.C. It has an Anti-Christian worldview full of propaganda and blatant historical falsehoods mixed some historical truth, which depicts some historical Christian figures in the worst possible light but leaves a couple other real-life Christians alone

Could someone explain this poem?

I think that this poem could be about someone who is confused in watching the few precious things in their life slip away in a blink of an eye just waking up after a short dream. Realizing that they cannot hold onto even one grain of sand leads to their final question that all things are a dream.

English to spanish translation easyy!?

Francisco de Zurbaran nacio el 7 de Noviembre, de 1598 en Fuente de Cantos, Espana. Sus padres lo mandaron a Seville por tres anos para que se convirtiera en un aprendiz con Pedro Diaz de Villanueva. Francisco de Zurbaran atendio una escuela llamada Juan de las Rolelas en Seville, donde el empezo a desarrollar sus estilos unicos. Zurbaran empezo su carrera de arte por aceptando comisiones para hacer retratos del Retable of San Pedro y Carthusians of Santa Maria. El fue establecido como un artista el 17 de Enero, 1626, cuando firmo un contrato con el monasterio Dominicano llamado San Pablo el Real, en Seville. Cuando Zurbaran estuvo vivo, Espana era una monarquia, dominado por Felipe IV the Great. Espana era muy poderoso en los anos 1600's.

Ok, I'm conducting interviews......?

for the position of Biker Wench. Anyone interested?? The pay is low, but the fringe benefits are pretty good.......

Gee no sign of FLSwamp, Proud Texan, Edna...Hmmm looks like they didnt have the guts to show up huh?

OH , they will be here and all of them spouting their shyt like they always do. They just have to converse together to see what bullshit they can come up with now!

I know this crazy *** person?

Avoid and ignore as much as you can. Do NOT engage. Do not argue with them, do not challenge them, just give them no emotional reaction at all and starve them out.

A Reminder Question : What happened to Afzal Guru and Kasab Bhai?

Enjoying inside the prison with many facilities. Will encourage many terrorists to take india as a soft target. bcos, even if u get caught, u will be comfortable.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Where can I get free version of Broderband CAD sofware 3.0?

The only one I have any luck with is this older 3.0 version that I'm not sure can even be purchased anymore. Thanks

What are some questions for number the stars?

this book is by Lois Lowery.Number The Stars is a work of historical fiction about the Holocaust of the Second World War by award-winning author Lois Lowry. Ten-year-old Annemarie Johansen is the central character, who lived in Copenhagen, Denmark, in 1943 and was caught up in the events surrounding the rescue of the Danish Jews. She and her family risked their lives to help Annemarie's best friend, Ellen Rosen, by pretending that Ellen is Annemarie's older sister; the sister had died later in the war during her work for the Resistance group , in which the writer of the book relates that God has numbered all the stars in the universe. It is meant to tie into the Star of David, specifically to Ellen's necklace (Ellen is Jewish), which is symbolic to the story.

Should the Jets start Mark Brunell against the Colts on Saturday?

In my opinion, Brunell gives the Jets the best chance to win. Sanchez has only threw 2 TDs in his last 5 games with 6 INT and only won 2 of the 5 games.

Put these in order...?

barbara , lois , martha , nancy , rose , donald , edwin , george , jeffery , richard.........who? i'm in to women, so i picked them first. i adore all women, regardless of color , weight , or length.

What are the options for a broken business contract?

My sister sold her company two years ago, with the payments being monthly percentages of the new owners earnings. After four years, the remainder of the debt was to be paid off in full. Now, halfway through, the new owner has asked her if she would accept a lump sum payment for about 1/3 of what he owes her. He is claiming health problems and that he is going to need to downsize or resell the company. He is making it seem that if she doesn't accept this offer, than she won't get any money at all. They had a contract, but since they had been friends at the time it was never looked over by a lawyer. It was mainly forms that were downloaded off the internet. The company was made into an LLC, so does that mean that his personal ets cannot be taken? Obviously she is considering taking him to court, but doesn't know if it will be worth it if she has to spend lawyer fees and then won't get her money. Any advice???

Shakespeare Sonnet 29 Metaphor?

what is the main metaphor for Shakespeare Sonnet 29? I have no clue what the metaphor is can anyone help??

Best Places to eat in Austin Texas?

There are a lot of options by the type of food like Mexican or specialty like barbecue in an online phone book! You can pick a restaurant by their food choice and then by their features like live music and their atmosphere like fine dining!

Toshiba laptop?

its close enough to thec omputer i have. its good for games. i also have a cooling pad just incase it the laptop gets hot.

What is the sequence that proteins function in during DNA replication?

I know that DNA helicase is the first enzyme and then RNA primase, then DNA polymerase followed by DNA ligase, but i need to know where topoisomerase comes in this order please?

Dominic Rhodes or Edgerrin James week 8 help!!!!?

I have Ap, Jennings, Cutler,Berrian all on Byes. I have Earnest Graham starting and thinking about picking up Antonio Bryant to play in my flex and play 3 WR. So i am trying to choose from Edge or Rhodes, or just play both of them and bench Antonio Bryant. help needed thanks !

What do liberals think of destorying Obamas budget speech?

I think that this proves that all politicians, on both sides, are liars whose only desire is to make themselves wealthy and powerful while stepping on the bodies of the American people on their way up. On the other hand, we don't actually know what the results of either, Obama or Ryan's, plan will be because, at this point, they are vague and incomplete.

Dodge neon transmission numbers?

in my car the part num. is 4670235 i bought a new one for it and that part number is 4670235ac i cant find any info on the new does anyone know what the ac stands for and does anyone know the difference in them both?

Intel vs AMD difference?

Here we are again with the same old crapola which is better... If AMD is so bad...why do they exist? If Intel is SOOOOOOOOOOO good then they would be the ONLY CPU maker. even VIA makes some good CPUs just there based on old tech. In the real world (not the nanosecond world) they both can do the same things just the Intel can do it a tad faster...big whoooop...I use AMD a lot cause there cheaper. If a client asks for intel that's what they get. There was a time were AMD had it all over intel and poor intel had to play catch-up now it back to intel on top with speed. here's something to think a program that Intel can run and AMD cant? I didn't say faster I just said a program AMD cant run. ya cant?...mmmm i wonder why? now think..why would I pay $1000 for an intel CPU that will do the same programs that a $300 AMD can do? Oh...and don't forget that AMD based mother boards are generally cheaper than Intel based mother boards!

My First Fantasy Draft of the Year: Can I get a grade from 1-10?

I think the other people in your league made some poor decisions... You had the 10th pick and came away with Brady, Moss, and Jacobs.... I think those three could win a lot of games for you. Mcfadden is definitely a gamble as he won't start at the first of the season, but he could end up being a stud.... I talked myself out of taking him at the last second.

Opinions on my creative writing?

This is good. The emotion was very powerful throughout and the descriptions were absolutely beautiful. I liked the way you were able to so accurately describe the importance in small detals using so few words. Everything flowed nicely, the pacing was good. I really enjoyed reading this and can't see anything wrong with it. Good work

Which literary element is exemplified by the time period or community in which a story is set?

I think the best answer to your question is "setting" but context and author's purpose/message would also be affected by time period...

Can som1 sumarise act 5 macbeth play plzz?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Hmmmm im so sure?

don't you ever give up! and not everyone who got pregnant was constipated.. there are people who claim that they had diarrhea.. which is the total opposite.. You just have to wait... wait until you're due.. and if it is late, then take a test.. maybe it came up neg becase it was too early.. If it is surley a neg.. then just keep on tryin ;) Baby dust to you~~ and Good Luck

Cost to build a 2 story house vs. ranch-same sq footage?

Does it cost more to build a 2 story house-2000 sqft vs a one story house? -same size but 2 story has smaller footprint - foundation would be crawlspace - with 2 car garage

I'm not ping pre-cal and I need at least a B?

I'm not ping pre Cal and I need at least a B for this program that I'm in at college. I'm in the sixties range for everything I've done. On the midterm I got a 69. Almost all the of the quizzes (which amount to one test grade i've gotten all sixties and fifties on). All thats left now is more quizzes and the final. I know its practically impossible but what the hell else of an option do I have?

Disability and uality - personal care attendants?

There are people who facilitate between clients and for clients. That is where I would stop as a professional. I see absolutely nothing wrong with helping him do what he wants to do. I would draw the line at him interacting with you or you displaying for him while being paid. I would make the two situations separate. There are millions of husbands and wives that are their spouses PAs. There is nothing inherently contradictory in being a ual partner and a PA except when it come to payment. So come see him on a different day as a ual partner - and don't receive any pay for that time period.

Most remembered football match?

The 2002 World Cup Finals. I was about 7 when that match happened. I remember the two goals that Ronaldo scored against Oliver Kahn. It was the first two he allowed in the tournament and it was one of my first memories of the legendary R9. It also helped that Brazil won and I come from a Brazilian background.

What is the song they play in the 1996 version of Romeo and Juliet most any time Leonardo Dicaprio is shown?

There is a really mellow song I like from this movie, and they play it a bunch, like when Leonardo Dicaprio is first shown, and then when he's hanging out after he was banished... Is it just a random song they played or is it on the soundtrack somewhere? Would really love some help. Love this movie <3

Which 3 WR's should i start week 11?

I'd go with Sims-Walker, Jennings, and Johnson because Burleson hasn't gotten the ball thrown his way too much recently.

Is it true with each pregnancy you get bigger?

ok im pregnant for the fourth time, im only 5 weeks. but today i was getting ready to take my other kids to see santa and i could bearly on my jeans that just last week fit fine. i dont remember bein like this so early on with my other ones. so is it tru that with each pregnancy you get bigger? also with each one do you start to show sooner? please any anwers well ease my mind!! thanks!!

What is an example of imagery?

I don't really understand what imagery is so could you give me an example that will help me understand please.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Emo music- yay or nay?

i've noticed its a topic people have different opinions about. so, emo music? good or bad? and i'm not talking about crap like MCR i mean real emo music that talks about their problems and struggles[like Bayside] so real emotional music. not just, "oh, i hate my life, i'm going to sing about cutting myself"

How can I kill some viruses malware, adware, spyware, viruses etc.?

I used Spybot: Search & Destroy but it doesn't seem to be making any progress. I used Spyware Blaster but it says my computer has no spyware. My mother won't let me download other a href="" rel="nofollow" items. So is there anything that can delete all those bugs? Without buying? (Downloading from another site is okay) Can you find a download site that deletes bugs? (This needs to be the real version of the download) Please, no torrents. Thanks for yor help!!!

On wet days would any of you girls ever use one of these?

On wet days would any of you girls ever use one of these? not that I want one but why do men never use them?,r:3,s:0

Bangkok -> Kuala Lumpur -> Singapore: need ideas?

I was reading my Bangkok Travel Guide and I looked at a map and I noticed that Kuala Lumpur is not far away from Koh Samui which is where I plan to vacation. I also noticed that Singapore is not far from Kuala Lumpur. I'll have 2 1/2 weeks total vacation time. What do you think about doing this? I plan to travel by bus or train since I don't have much money (probably by bus). Does anyone have advice? According to my travel book when you get across the border to Malaysia, you have to be kind of wary when you get back on the bus after clearing customs because it might not be the same bus.

Why would supporters of 'Straw Man' McCain think the most effective sales pitch is 'he's not the democrat'?

Has anyone seen much more than references to his time as a POW 40yrs. ago or weak attempts at baiting division in the democrat party. [And if "being a true patriot" is a qualification, I'd say there were millions that might meet that mark]

Which movie should I watch?

The Secret Life of Bees is the only decent one.. if you're IQ is above 100, you're going to be disappointed with anything else on that list.

Who have you seen in concert and who was your fav?

Motley Crue(3x), Velvet Revolver, Kid Rock, Aerosmith(2x), Bon Jovi, Chicago, Tom Jones(2x), Elton John, Bone Thugs n Harmony, The Rolling Stones, Celine Dion(2x)( i was forced to go)

Moose or Abercrombie & fitch?

In Dominican Republic, Costa rica and Venezuela there is a Clothing store name Moose but it looks like Abercrombie & Fitch, even in the tag it says est. 1892. Is it imitation or the brand is called like that for latin american countries?

If left alone with our own thoughts in complete solitude would we go insane?

I see as our mind as two extremes(when left alone) that can either lead to enlightenment or insanity

What's the function of "marking" here?

Would you please tell me what the function of "marking" is in the following sentence: "In April, 2009, President Hu inspected the warships in Qingdao, marking the 60th anniversary of the founding of the PLA Navy. " ?

Why is it ok for america to carry out military operations in other countries?

why is it okay for america to (attack) other countries to chase terrorists for example syria,pakistan etc but would it be the same for other countries to chase terrorists in america (if it was to happen) and do millitary operations inside america?

Do you know the meaning of aztec tattoos ...are they dangerous?

Every gang has certain tattoos that they use. Each has meaning in the gang heirarchy. Prison gangs tend to be race specific. So yes, depending on the particular state gang culture.

According to Gandhi question??

How According to Gandhi, did India's state of mind explain why poeple still wanted revenge fro Amritsar? What was the reaction to their anger?

Is someone with the so-called "tramp stamp" on her lower back really slut*y?

just curious....i go to a prestigious graduate school and there are 4 girls in my cl with a huge tramp stamp and they like to flaunt it by wearing short shirts as if they're making some sort of statement....hmm.....face-wise, they don't look sl*tty or even act sl*tty at all...or at least that's what i think. ;-) im sure they knew the negative connotation of getting a tat on their lower backs prior to getting one...

What breed of falcons are sometimes used as pets and are tamable?

i was thinking when im a little older and need a job im going to be an author to get money to buy a falcon and food. but really. what breed is sometimes a pet?

Is there a difference between buying a car that was owned vs leased?

We are interested in buying a car but the carfax report states the car was a leased car. My question, should I be wary from a car that was titled as a commercial lease vehicle vs a car that was titled as a personal vehicle? Thanks.

Problems with SATA?

Leave the sata on native, using raid will attempt to set up a raid configuration with your sata drives. That either sets one drive as a mirror of the first (backup) so if one drive fails, the other still has all the data and will continue to work. Another type of raid combines the two discs for a total of 640 GB. You don't need to do anything special just plug them into the two slots on your motherboard. As for the PSU, I would upgrade or remove one of the dvd burners (and perhaps one hard drive). I hate how the PSU has more connectors than it can handle, but oh well. Everything else in your configuration should work well. Great job on the specs. I have similar, just an Intel based mobo and processor and a single stick of 1 Gig ram. Anyway, hope this helped.

How long should we give a new formula to work?

We have switched from isomil (constant fussing and gas) to similac sensitive. She took it ok the had one projectile vomit this evening on the read to feed. I bought the powder that I may try her on tonight since it doesn't seem as rich or thick. How long should I use this formula to see if it helps with the crying and stomach issues? I tried alimentum for one day and she threw up the whole first bottle and would not drink much after that (maybe the taste, she would not drink good start either--made faces). SHe is 1 month old.

My BFF is hating on my BF???????

it sounds like ur bff likes you for more than a friend, & all yu can really do is talk to him about it.

Does anyone know about the rumors of zac efron attending SMU?

There's a rumor that Zac Efron will be attending Southern Methodist University in Texas some time soon. True? or False?

Where can I find a "KIT" similar to the ones available in the 1970's whereby I can...?

Why would you want to do this? Propane is not going to be significantly cheaper than gasoline. Plus nowdays any such modification has to be approved by the govt. so it's not just something any shadetree mechanic can whip up.

Why is the Obama administration are pushing the swine flu vaccine?

Why does your mom want you to get one? Would you question it if Rush told you to get one? Oh wait, I tuned into the drugster today just in time to hear him tell you to question it. Sheep.

Omg i gave him the wrong note!?

ok well my bff got grounded, and she cant tlk on the phone so instead she rights me notes, like 3 pages long will shes gotta thing for this guy (AKA: GREG) and in her not she waz explaing me how much she realy likes him! and wanting to go to his house and everything, NOT only did she have the guy she likes in there but the guy i like aswell! (AKA: ANDREW) so she wanted me to write a plan simple note asking greg out for her, so i wrote a note and folded it up, we was walking down the hall way and i had 2 notes in my hand and i gave him the note in my left, well i got to my homeroom and relized I GAVE HIM THE WRONG NOTE!!! the note that my bff wrote me THE NIGHT BEFORE THE ONE NO ONE WAS SUPOSED TO SEE!!! omg im sooooo emberrsed right now and so is my bff, i mean what if he goes and tells people and lets people read it!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i am soo close to going out with andrew and now...... :( im so scared and nervous i dont wanna go to school tommorow plez help me what am i going to do

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Umm, well, umm, I seem to have lost my ?

You know us Texans, we get wild with the lawnmower! Well, yesterday, while I was mowing the lawn of a former president, (Me, haha!), I fell when I lost concentration looking at a tree. It was such a beautiful tree, like a new born baby. I fell sideways and my was sucked off of my body into the lawnmower. There wasn't much blood, and I haven't told Laura that Osama is missing. We call him that because she attacks it like it's her enemy! How can I get my out of the lawnmower? I'm so confused!

Is this the antidepressants or am i getting better?

Taking them in the day will make you like a zombie. If you really feel you need them try to take them before going to bed. If you can try to find out why you are depressed and resolve it if you can. The tablets are not a long term solution and you may get hooked.

Snake Names!?

phythos, balli, knott, sall, tony, rolley, lash, putty, plumpy, scarf, bamboo, nerf, sandy, suma, rian, ratsy, berny, lumpy, snicker, louie, aspy, twiggy, rythe, jones, cage, droopy, ... just some suggestions, by the way congrats! take good care of him/her :)

Sadie hawkins dance date?

Give him an invitation card that tells him the Tee time and location. That would be the date and time of the dance. You could also leave a golf ball in his locker that "asks" him whether he wants to go with you. Get a white ball and write on it.

Is this $838 Billion Stimulus Package really the right way to go ?

What are viable alternatives to minimize the recession and get the country moving towards prosperity ?

Who IYO was/is one of the best sellers in the business?

Even though he's pretty much a low lever midcarder in TNA, Eric Young comes to my mind. He's really good at putting others over and making his opponent look good. Another guy that comes to my mind is Jamie Noble, even when he does lose (which is most of the time) he makes his opponent look like a million bucks.

Fishing reel help so many reels? which ones should i take ?

Which one and why? Choices are... Shimano IX4000R, IX2000R Quantum snapshot 2, Shakespeare Outcast 430, Dimension, Alpha, Excursion, Catera 35, Okuma Avenger, Abu Garcia Cardinal 104, Pflueger President, Templar, Trios, and finally the Mitchell Avocet II. I'm leaning towards the Abu Garcia Cardinal 104 for my b rod (ugly stick) but will any of these work for musky pike etc. It will be going on a big ole ugly stick. Thanks for the help and yeah I am on a budget that's why the selection is limited feel free to suggest a reel as well keep it under $60. Thanks again

I'm 5'11 165 lbs with a 148 snowboard.?

Will this make it harder to ride because it is a smaller size than what i should use? Will it change riding a lot or not at all and will it break easier?

Is that fergie's real hair in the video"meet me halfway"?

I was wondering is that fergie's real hair or does she have extenstions in the video meet me halfway. Her hair look so beautiful.. i wanna grow my hair that long, but was wondering, is it real or not, but it looks soo princess like. IS it real?

I think my husband is having some sort of breakdown?

My husband is usually a happy person, lately we had been having some issues (a lack of , him not wanting to not me) but all in all we had still been getting along great. Last night after his team lost in football he freaked out and left the house. We have a 6 month old baby so I couldn't go racing after him but when he finally came back he was so furious and I got mad at him and said he can't just run off when he gets upset over a stupid football game and he yelled at the top of his lungs "I hate my life!" later clarifying that that includes our marriage, his son, etc. Needless to say his yelling woke the baby and he could really care less. He has been doing this woe is me thing for alittle bit and blaming everyone else for his life being shitty. I don't think we have a shitty life and this morning when I tried to talk to him about last night he just said he over reacted and things will work themselves out. I suggested counselling, I asked him to give me ways I can help, I suggested quitting his job and going back to school to do something he's more interested in. He just shuts me down. I love him and I want us to be a family but I am starting to feel like he is creating a hostile environment for our son and that I should leave him. But I think if I left him he would absolutely breakdown and just up and disappear. I think he is still grieving over the loss of his best friend in a tragic accident 3 years ago, but I don't know how to help him anymore than I have tried to already. I don't know what to do anymore.

Andre Johnson vs Reggie Wayne Sunday who will have a better game?

I think this will be a HUGE upset day and the Texans I think will win this by a field goal or so. I expect Andre to have a BIG day and get more touches bcuz Owen Daniels is out so he should be doing good this game!

Cute Songs for my Boyfriend?

My boyfriend posted "Bruno Mars- Just the way you are on my facebook page" i wanna post a song on his page but buy a girl....I CANT THINK OF ANYTHING ! Any suggestions???

Please help with this... please..…

he tries to talk to me and make jokes and what not but he knows im kind of quiet & shy so he doesnt do it alot, once in a cl my teacher cut down 5 marks from me lmao and the guy told me, my friend was like why would he care about your mark? i think he was just trying to make convo.last year at a dance some of his friends were pushing him towards me loll, he's nice to me and helps me out in math and stuff like answers a question for me, ive seen him looking at me sometimes of the corner of my eye, also his friends look at me sometimes too, and when we were in a cooking cl thing together i saw him looking @ my *** lol its weird maybe it was my back or something else idk.we're in 8th grade if u needa kno. oh and once there was this guy sitting beside me and that guy isnt rly his friend and they havent rly talked b4 but when that guy sat next to me, my crush came and started talking to that guy. one time we were going into our cl and he pushed a guy towards me and he like called out his name and shouted like ____!!! GEEZ stop pushing. lol like wtff. sumdays he wont even do anything and other days he tries 2 get my attention. does he like me? i like him

Nervous about school? Freshman...?

Hi, I'm going into a public high school as a Freshman this year, and I am honestly really nervous! It's my first time in public school, and it's the biggest school I have ever been in...ever! I think my personality is fine, I'm usually pretty social...for sure, but I dunno...I am also worried abut getting cl to cl, because in my old schools, you just had cles, you didn't have to get to them... I don't really know if I'm more nervous socially or any tips?

Research on Mt. St. helens?

eruption that occurred over twenty years ago. eruption where it is located the size of the the volcano became to be.

Name of a Christian Novel?

I want to say it was the Visitor. I cannot find it online. The story is about an antichrist that comes to a small town. It is approximately 1500 pages long. Anyone have any idea what I am talking about?

Does Cover Girl Tru Blend work well?

I am about to go buy foundation and would like to know if the Tru Blend collection is a good choice.

Pleez can someone tell me if he likes me?

okay soo last week he toltally checks me out thn defends me wen his stupid friends were tlkin bout me thn he askd me 4 my numbr nd ii flirted bak but ii dnt get it duz he lke me or not....

Eee PC windows recovery disk?

Hello, I just had a virus on my netbook, and after I got rid of it, my netbook started crashing randomly with blue screen of death, and in that screen it said something about lbccvk.sys, after a day of that, i was trying to surf the web to find solution on the netbook, and it froze. and now my windows doesn't boot up and I am trying to recover it through the cd that came with it but it has no cd drive, what can I do? Can I place it on a flash memory or what? or even use my laptop as a cd-rom? please give me all the options i have. thanks.

How do you type integers in Microsoft Office?

I am trying to rewrite my Chemistry paper and I need to put integers in it. I have found the Alt codes for exponents but I can't find any for integers. Ex. Cl2 Cl-Chlorine and I need the 2 to be in the smaller right hand corner for the reactions. Can anyone help me. Again I am using Microsoft Office.

Is there a noticeable difference in performance between Intel Core 2 Quad Q8200 and Q9400?

There's not much of a difference really. Both processors are very powerful and more than enough for just about anything. Either one will make you very happy. Trust me! If money isn't a problem, get the better one.

Dictatorship? possible to happen again?

hey is something like hitler and the jews and all the dicatorship stuff still possible to happen in our times.?

10 points for honest answer?

I think it seems like he is attracted to you & maybe starting to like you more than 'just friends' or 'just business partners.'

Anybody interested in making a website?

i offer u to go to if u want free templates to start your design for making a website.. just send me an e-mail if u need some helps and ill try my best .

Hard chemistry question ?

Naturally occurring iodine has an atomic m of 126.9045. A 12.3849-g sample of iodine is accidentally contaminated with 1.00070 g of 129 Iodine, a synthetic radioisotope of iodine used in the treatment of certain diseases of the thyroid gland. The m of 129 I(iodine) is 128.9050 amu

Has anyone heard of british lottery international.There email says I won 2,500,000 pounds.?

It sounds like a scam to me.Does anyone know for sure?They want me to email them my name,address and phone#.I have heard of a lot of these "lotto scams" going around.

Is there any whay to idiot proof a c++ blackjack program more detail below?

So i made blackjack but at the part i say how much i want to bet if i input a letterit matrix's. Is there anyway to idoit proof the bets which is and float so that if i input a letter i can cout something and get them another chance.

How can I tell what year my "Air Judy Shox" were manufactured in?

need to replace the top air cap on my bike. I found an air cap for an '02 model (i think thats what mine is) but it has a schrader valve(mine uses a football needle to inflate). I would like to use the cap with the schrader valve. before i order it online i would like my verify what model year the shocks that i have are and that it will fit.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

HELP! Good Site where we can find printable English Vocabulary Games!!?

Please this is an emergency....where can we find at least 20 printable vocabulary games?? I need it! Please don't point me to google, yahoo or any other search engines! Please...

Is there any evidence for Creationism yet?

Wow, it's been 5 whole months since the last time I asked this. I haven't been keeping up with all of the new Creationist publications so I need you to fill me in. Has anyone found any objective scientific evidence for Young Earth Creationism yet? Anything that could p peer-review? Anything at all?

Need help on confusing physics question?

A 0.145-kg baseball traveling 35.0 m/s strikes the catcher's mitt which, in bringing the ball to rest, recoils backward 11.0 cm, What was the average force applied by the ball on the glove?

Should we Thank the Arab-Islamic Civilization for taught us the Numbers(0123456789...)?

Just like you typed?? We all have 8 fingers, and two thumbs, on our hands and 10 toes! Sooner or later, we would have learned to count to ten! The Romans were stuck on straight lines, no curves or circles! Some just used symbols! Even when it came to letters!! Some just print or write from the left, some start at the right! There are others who go from top to bottom! Ours is a mixture of the lot! When did we start joining our letters together? The Dead Sea Scrolls, aren't. The egyptians, Japanese, Chinese etc etc. Writing was an art back then, nowadays, we are actually getting away from writing with a pen or a pencil by means of a typewriter, computer key-board (where all your spelling mistakes can be corrected by using the machines brains instead of ours!) We are abbreviating most of spoken words, pretty soon, that's all we will be using to get our messages across!! Why should we thank the Islamics for numbers, like I already said, we DO have brains, and we would have figured it out for ourselves!

R&P: Song of the day...?

I heard the song "Don't rain On My Parade" to day on Mrs. Doubtfire, lol, and i've been singing it ever since! Dont know the song you're talking about, Apologies!

Does anyone know what has happened to Paul Harvey?

Harvey's recovering from pneumonia and cataract surgery - it's right on his website. Mitt Romney's filling in for right now.

How can we save our penguins from Global Warming?

you have to realize that we are human and can not save the world. out of the millions upon millions of species that ever lived, 99% of them are extinct. one could argue that extinction is the natural state of things and that life is the aberration.

What is the velocity of the final stage?

The 5,000 kg final stage of spaceship ejects the 10,000 kg second stage. Before ejection, the two stages together travel with a velocity of 200 m/s. If after ejection, the second stage travels 80 m/s opposite the direction of its initial motion, what is the velocity of the final stage?; please show the formula that u used. thanks

Where can i get good flowy shirts!?

Sears there is alot at sears!!!! Ross forever 21 and that's where I have seen the most flowy shirts I have two and I got them at sears for less than ten bucks:)

What happened to Jesse Coulter wife of Waylon Jennings?

She released an album on Shout! Factory records (formerly Hightone) a couple of years ago (maybe longer, but within the last 4 years at the most). I heard a couple tracks at my friend's house-okay, but I wasn't overwhelmed.

Anyone been hypnotized by a stage hypnotist?

I was in school but it didn't take hubby was at a casino and it was hilarious! He said it was like a dream....only he was awake

MCR fans and haters...?

its okay. it actually has resemblance of real punk rock. and i mean real punk rock, not poser punk rock which most mcr songs are.

Should i continue 2 be her friend?

Last night she pushed me off my bed, took my blankets, and turned off the tv which i was watching, so my bro took me to my sisters house 2 sleep. I sent her a 3 page e-mail saying sorry. Then she sent back saying you always start fights when correction it was her fault. Then her and her mom insulted my family to my face. Also she stole my juicy couture pj's and took them on vacation with her and ive yet 2 get them back after 6 months. Her and her mother[who has a job, fake tan and dyed hair] told me i need 2 go get a tan because i look like a disgusting ghost, that my hair was ugly and asked if she could cut my hair before her daughter was seen around me and also said my were way 2 small for my age [im 13 and almost wear a b cup] She always gets mad at me 4 stuff she did. And 4 the worst one, she sent my cuzin and bff a message from my myspace saying how mych i hate them. But i continue to ppologise even when it isnt my fault just because things would be different w/o her.

How much is my mustang worth?

I was wondering if anyone could give me an idea of the worth of my mustang. First off I'm in VA. Okay, so it's and ultra blue convertible. Paint is chipping in a few very unnoticeable places and I have one tiny dent under the driver side panel. It's a 1991 5.0. I gotte be honest I don't know a lot on the specs because my brother rebuilt it but it's got a supercharged 5 liter V8. A full intake system, complete MSD system with a blaster and all. New exhaust system. Working convertible top. Racing clutch. And that's about all I know on the rebuild. But pretty much everything is after market. It roars with around 450 hp (according to my brother) and it has NICE chrome cobra 5 point rims. Low profile tires. But the interiordash is pretty much gutted except for the radio because I never finished replacing the interior. Runs great. Sounds amazing and unless you study the body it looks nearly flawless. Was just wondering if anyone could give me an estimate. Thanks!

How do i start a business that import wedding, prom dress from foreign country to the department store?

i have seen in the cultural magazine that their formal dresses are so elegant and beautiful and they are a small tailor store. how do i start a business that import these dresses to the usa department store such as Macy, David Bridal? these dresses are so creative and beautiful perfect for any banquet or wedding.

Carlos Beltran a San Francisco Giant by tomorrow?

Giants and Mets are finishing the last touches with this deal. Jonathan Sanchez will be a New York Met I believe.

Do you support increasing troops in Afghanistan?

Obama will be speaking to a war-weary American public. Polls show support for the war has dropped significantly since Obama took office, with a majority now saying both that they oppose the war and that it is not worth fighting.

If you had -- many kids what do you think your life would be like?

It's so cute how kids always daydream about this stuff when in reality you have little control over it. Especially the genders! :) I have married Mr. Right and we have two kids and one on the way. Their names are Lanae, Maya and the third will be Eli or Gabrielle. Four kids is not too many for some people, but I know quite a few people who couldn't handle it.

How many ppl are yankees fans?

I'm a baseball fan and I respect the yankees history and tradition of having the highest standards, but personally, I always root against them.

I'm only 15 and i have NO life & Depressed?

I feel as if i am acually depressed.I just turned fifteen and i feel that i'm missing out more in life.You may say,Go out and do what you want to,But that is extremely hard for me.I Cannot enable myself to go out and do new things for i always feel like i will fail. On the weekends, I stay home and two days in a row, I never go outside,but stay in the huge empty cold home.I feel as if my childhood is ping by.I have No talent,and no fun in my life. I do not have any hobbies and i do not do anything. I just go home, sleep, eat, and then attend school, and over and over again is the same. It has always been like this. One of my clmates acknowlegdes me that i look empty and depressed and i am too young to be like this. I have friends,But it's so hard trusting others.My mother tells me that my age is too high but my mind is too low. I do not make good grades, I Can, but i do not allow myself to.I just stay in this house and see my computer as my talent and as my friend. I don't know what to do anymore. I stay constantly away from my family but extremely close with few friends. When i was thirteen years old, my mother took me to the doctor after my two years of begging. He gave me an anti depressent, and it helped so much but my mother took me off ? i don't know what to say. It seems like i'm ping by life in this house. I don't like to talk to my father at all, i have no relationship with him. It is like he's a stranger in this house.I don't know what to do anymore. It seems like i have NO personality. It saddens me because i feel like a young girl in an 80 year old body. People don't like to get around me,unless i force myself into being something i'm not. What can i do? What do i do? it seems as if i'm ping by meeting the people i should and living the life i have to.

Help me plan this trip (New Jersey to Machusetts)?

I'm fifteen years old. I have to be in Blairstown, New Jersey by 8 a.m. April 5th, and in Marion, Machusetts by 8 a.m. April 6th. What would be the best way to get there? I'm traveling alone.

Does anyone else find the adds for California Prop 8 offensive?

Have you heard the adds, they try to make you hate gay marriage because it will open up the door to churches not being tax exempt any more and gay marriage will be taught in schools. First I do not see how gay people getting married would effect the church, Atheist getting married do not affect the church in any way... Not to mention I do not think churches should be tax exempt. And what will be taught in school? Somehow giving gay people fair and equal rights will cause a new trend in schools for a cl to be organized called gay marriage? Does this not make sense to any one else? How long could a gay marriage cl possibly be? It has as much merit as a cl as creationism!

What in the world would Hilary want her UN Collegue's DNA for?

I was just thinking what in the world would someone want your DNA for? Then it hit know, like setting up for a 'smear campaign', if it was ever needed. A bit of your DNA would be useful. You know, like how their trying to frame ange for , since they could find any laws that he's actually broken...

How do covalent compounds dissolve in water? Such as Methanol dissolveing in water.?

I would also like to know how ionic compounds dissove in water such as sodium chloride dissolving in water, and i would like to compare both of them also.

Question for folks that live down south (Louisiana to Florida)?

Are alligators a big problem for you down there? Is it something to worry about? If you want to go swimming, do you worry that a gator might be underwater nearby? I'm form California, and we worry about tarantulas and rattlers mostly, but i myself have never run into one in the wild, so i was wondering if alligators kind of stay away in the same manner.

World of Warcraft question. <3?

Unless your level 80, you don't really have to worry about caps. Like the previous poster mentioned, it is the maximum of anything in the game a player can recieve such as level, buff, armor.... There are also skills which you may have to keep an eye on. If you create another character and help him by using your main character (ie giving him money or materials for the skill) he may be capped at the skill cause he's surped his skill leveling by far.

Genetics lab question?

2 alleles occur for bird color, black and white. However, when a bird inherits both a black and a white allele, the bird looks blue (intermediate phenotype between black and white). If a blue bird is crossed with a white bird, what are the possible genotypes and pheno types of the offspring?

Why exactly do so many women hate women?

I think it's sad we do that to each other. Very few women I know are catty and shady and those I do know, I distance myself from. You wouldn't believe how many women I've heard say "I never want to have a girl, all she can do is get pregnant and cause trouble" It's sad, stupid, and it's holding us back.

Trying to choose a book for a school project?

Well, I have two suggestions for you. The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath is a good read, though a bit depressing. Another would be Great Expectations by Charles ens; it is long, and a bit complicated, but a great story.

Has Anyone attended Trios College?? If so, was it worth it?

i've heard man things about private colleges especially everest/cdi college and want to make sure i'm making the right decision in choosing a school

Good dancing songs? List them here! THANKS!?

I like pop, and it's got to have a good beat to it. It cannot be all rap, because I hate rap, and things like bom boom pow, stuff like that would for awesome. Thankies!!


Okay so just 5 minutes ago i was feeding my male half moon betta fish before i changed his bowl (he lived in a very crappy fish bowl for 3 days) and know i just changed him to his 5 gallon tank which is filtered by a power filter and he just puked some of his food and also he seem a tad white in his mouth (although it might be because he has know a light bulb taht illuminates his tank and it might be that i never saw it in his crappy bowl)

I need advice on my dog Sadie ASAP!!?

I have had my dog sadie since she was 3 months old, she was dumped out of a car on the streets. We think she is a lab/pit/germansheperd mix but we're not really sure. She has been socialized since we got her and has never really had any problems until lately. She is about 3 now and yesterday at the park she was on a leash and a little maltese was not. The other dog was not showing any signs of a problem and my dog was wagging her tail as she smelled the other dog. the other dog was just smelling the gr and then all of a sudden my dog attacked, she picked her up and shook her like she was trying to kill her. luckily we pulled her off and the maltese was ok. She was bleeding but after taking her to the vet she is ok, no stitches needed. I am not sure what to do since sadie has never shown any aggression before. Does anyone have good advice or know if a good dog trainer in san luis obispo?

Trying to remember joke about politicians, rabbi, priest, and a parachute?

Can anyone help me remember this joke? It was about some politicians and a priest and a rabbi in a plane, and the plane was going to go down, and they were one parachute short... the rabbi (or priest) said "I am not afraid to die, you take the last parachute..." or something like that... and I think the punchline involved the politician... I used to think it was sooo funny and now I can't even remember it! Anyone know it? Thanks!

Is it normal to be turned off by poor grammar and spelling?

Yes, when I first met my husband he was a horrid spell with awful grammar. I know my spelling and grammar isn't fantastic but English is my third language. He wanted to get a date with my so bad he actually asked me for lessons to improve his spelling and grammar. We'll have been married 9 years this year.

Why isn't Diego Sanchez appearing on any UFC rankings?

The reason Sanchez isn't listed in the welterweights top 15 is not because he was beat by two of the top ten, it is because he has dropped down to the lightweight division. Granted he has posted two very impressive wins in a highly stacked division but with the likes of BJ Penn, Sean Sherk, Kenny Florian, Tyson Griffin, Clay Guida, Hermes Franca, Frankie Edgar and others who have been building this division the last couple of years, it's not quite fair to post Diego in the top ten with only two fights under his belt. That's like giving someone a title shot after only three professional fights and one of those was a loss, wait, that did happen.

Hey, so a guy from africa sent me money, what could he do if i kept it?

If he has send you a check, please don't deposit it in your bank. Examine it first before you deposit it

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Did Gwen Stefani have a job?

Yes, she had augmentation; it's good she didn't go too large. I followed No Doubt's career, and she had mosquito bumps. Many young women I knew were proud of her for not getting implants.

I have Ubunto software and i need help?

I wanted to know where I can download programs for my Ubunto software. i wanted to download like a photo editing program and a music downloading program like Ares or LimeWire. please let me know where i can download those. because i tried and when i try to click to open it said there was no Application available to open the program. what do i need to do.

To all you great cooks out there....?

A basic beef stew recipe requires a couple of pounds of beef (try chuck or rump in the UK) cut into 2 inch chunks (Size is important). Sprinkle with salt and black pepper. Brown the beef on all sides in a little veg oil. Do not overcrowd the pan or the meat will not brown. (also important for flavor) As the meat chunks brown place in an oven proof cerole. In between batches when the bottom of the pan looks brown add some red wine or beer or beef stock to the empty, hot pan. Bring to the boil, sc up the browned bits and add the lot to the cerole. Cook one onion finely chopped in some oil until soft (or in the microwave covered with cling film for 3 minutes) If you like add a crushed clove of garlic. Place in the cerole. Make sure you have enough liquid to come up to the top edge of the meat. Add 1 bay leaf and a couple of sprigs of thyme or rosemary. Place in a 300'F/150'C/gas mark 2 oven for 1 1/2 2 hours or until the meat is tender. Do not boil the meat. If the sauce needs thicken at the end, remove the meat and keep warm. Boil the sauce to a good flavour then whisk in a paste of soft er and flour until it coats the back of your spoon. Pour over the meat.

What color should I paint my living room?

I have 3 old gold crushed velvet couches, and funky pillows. The fireplace is light blue and has wood floors. The crown molding and trim are this horrible orange color, and the walls white. I also have a large brown shagged rug. I would prefer funky, because the art work in there is all funky as well. Please help me in this color crisis.

What are the songs that are?

sung at the Edge.. a church in Decatur Illinois. The songs that are sung my Ariel and played by some of the other members of Icon for Hire

Is this normal for guy-girl friends or does he like me?

This is coming from a dude. He likes you but he propably doesnt know how to tell you so he does all these dumb things to signal you that he does but you dont get the message. And hes talking to you about what going on with him just to hear you respond, just to here you talk or just to keep a conversation going. He likes you dude. Just break him out of his shell and ask him out. DUDE!!! Guys love it when you just ask them out. Its not just the guys job to ask you know?

Republicans does this song make you feel uneasy?

song was written about vietnam war... kennedy and LBJ inserted us troops and expanded it and were D________? nixon ended nam and he was R_____?

How much monetary compensation should i ask for in ER medical neglect and ault from a nurse?

My daughter was having an asthma attack and we were told it was allergies by a nurse practicioner. We weren't seen by a Dr. We then went to another ER and she was treated for asthma. While we were there however, a nurse told me I had to keep my child quiet and I could not so since we had already been seen, I got up to leave. The nurse grabbed my arm and said I had to wait. I pulled back to leave again and she grabbed me once more before I left. So there are two situations now at the same ER. The CEO wants me totell them how much compensation I want in return for not contacting an attorney and going public. How much is is worth????

Duet or Trio music for Saxophone, Trumpet, and Possibly Flute?

I would like to perform a song that people would know and enjoy. I can be anything really. Slow or fast is good. also, I need help transposing between the three if you can explain.

Is Sarah Palin more of a 'socialist' than Barack Obama?

With Alaska, you have collective ownership of valuable natural resources (OIL) that generates lots of revenue for the state, and then the government makes “spreading the wealth around” through the Permanent Fund. This system was inplace way before Palin, but its the best example of American Socialism. Even the Simpsons doented this in their movie, where the Simpsons, running to Alaska recieved $3000 for just showing up to allow the Oil Companies pillage Alaska's wilderness. Woooheeew!

Why do most parents treat their kids as dumb infantiles?

ok then it sounds like you are coping just fine, is that your rant over, i take it you dont have kids?

Is the suicide attempts in the old movies realistic?

In a lot of old movies, u see people commit suicide by ingesting a whole bottle of rat poison, is that realistic?

Any efective allergy medicine?

hi my name is Scarlet, and my grandma has non-stop allergies all day, they are killing her. She is 62 and nothing works. do you know of any efective medicine without getting drowsey?

What is a delicately balanced girl?

Just our of curiousity I was wonfer what a delicatley balanced girl is? Please explain. Also, please use some examples and any other way that could help my understand.

2 part question, younger ladies please?

I'm an older man....ok , save the ewww remarks ! 50 , but some say I look 42 or around there , I'm very attracted to a younger woman 23 , we're both very shy . She seems to have some sort of interest in me . Whether it's friends or more , I don't know . As for my looks , some say I'm handsome, some say I'm cute . I say neither , I have low self esteem , but still have lots of women talking to me . My first question is how can I be more attractive to her ? , meaning in my behavior . 2nd question , do younger women find the graying temples attractive or just plain old , again they say I have a younger looking face .

Any teen nightclubs in the bay area?

my daughter is about to be 15 and she would like to go to a teen dance -nightclub .Does anyone know of any near san fran,sacramento,oakland,vallejo?thanks

Freegle - who runs the umbrella organisation?

What is the management structure, above the individual Moderators? What are the names and titles of the people at the top of the organisation?

Loft hatch opens with wind?

I have a loft hatch above the boiler in my room - which is not the main loft opening - and when it's a really windy night, the hatch flaps open and close which is understandably really quite scary. There is no way to get to that part of the loft through the main attic, so is there anything i can do to stop it opening? We tried sliding something on top of it, then pulling it back over but that hasn't seemed to work. Any suggestions? :)

How do I adjust the clutch on my atv?

I have a 01' Yamaha Blaster. Its a 2-stroke and Its not releasing the clutch all the way. Where is the adjuster on the clutch lever?

What should i do? is it something to be concerned about?

There's a possibility i have celiac disease. and i ate bread today but not much so i ddnt think it wud do anything. over the last few hours ive had the urge to make a bowel movement (sorry for description) a lot more than normal and i have a stiffness feeling everywhere between my ribs to my hips that comes and goes. im really scared but i pierced my belly on myself and havent told my parents. so i dont want to tell them about my stomach because theyll yell about my belly on. what should i do? im so scared

My dog bite her tongue what should i do?

Well after i let the dogs out to potty i gave them a treat like i always do, my female chihuahua alwasy just lays with hers next to her before deciding to eat it, well that is a temptation to my St. Bernard who always tries to steal it. while i was in the other room my saint tried to steal it and my chi went and i guess tried to make her go away and in the process bite her own tongue, im uming that is what happened because unless she was taunting my saint with her tongue out saying nah nah nah nah nah nah i doubt my saint could have gotten her huge mouth inside my chis tiny one to bite her bled alot for about 30 seconds and then stopped but being she is a chi she is very scared and over dramatic and screams bloody murder when she has the tiniest boo boo so idk how serious she ever is! i cuddled her and talked to her until she stopped whimpering, and now i cannto get her to take a treat or anything, i am sure thats because she is still very scared and one side of her tongue is a little swollen but i see no deep cuts or anything, i felt her entire body just to make sure my saint didnt injure her internally or anything and she only whimpers when i open her mouth...should i take her to the vet or just keep an eye on her? i mean if I bite my tongue and went to the doctor they would not really be able to do much so i am unsure what to do! I put her by herself in our bed and she is laying down at the moment.

White slime in my fish tank constantly... I cant stop it?

I would start by getting rid of some fish!! I don't mean flushing either, I would bring the silver dollars back as I don't know the size of your palm but they are propbably too big for your tank!! Hexagon tanks do not follow the general 1 inch of fish per gallon of water because they are tall tanks and don't have as much room for fish to swim! They sell small plecos that do a good job cleaning and will only get to about 3-4 inches! I use 2 for my 55 gallon! I don't know what you are dealing with but I would guess it is to do with the amount of fish in your tank!! Get a test kit and test your waters for Nitrates and make sure to check your PH as nitrates will cause your PH to be all over the place. I would propbably get take all of the pieces out and soak them in a mixture of 1 teaspoon of bleach per gallon of hot water! Do not use a lot of bleach!!! Then I would gravel vac with everything out of the tank and also clean the gl with a tool to clean gl such as a magnet cleaner so your hand does not have to be in the water! I would also do about a 50% water change. Make sure you add some cheicals to the water you are adding to make the water safe! They sell all diferent types of chemicals and stuff! You just need to get all the chlorine and other stuff out if you are using tap or well water! If this does not work if you really like the hobbie than pick up a little bigger tank and start over!! I am sure you could sell your hex tank as they are very desireable! I just bought a whole 55 gallon set-up on craigslist for $200 dollars! I know money is tight and you may not have the room for a long tank. If you definetely want to keep all of the fish you should buy a bigger tank as that is propbably the number 1 thing leading to this reocurrance of white slime! Without having numbers from a test kit it is hard to say!! Good Luck!!! As far as Sarah saying red-tail sharks are schooling fish?? If you house more than 1 red-tail together 1 of them usualy becomes dominant to the others!! This is my experience with them anyway!! I love the red-tail shark but only keep 1 and he is very happy!! If you go online and read about the red tail or ask in a pet shop they will tell you the same thing!! A 55 gallon tank is plenty big enough for 1 red-tail to be happy also!! If you have a 125 gallon tak you could propbably get 2 because they would create places that they took over in the tank and would call their own!! I can't wait to get my litlle clown loaches to put in the 55 gallon to finish it off! Yes I know I will need a bigger tank when the clown loaches grow!! I have 5-6 years for that to happen though!! Again good luck!!

What's up with this NFL lock out stuff and the CBA?

Can anyone explain to me what is this NFL lockout all about. I know there something to do with the Players ociation and some kind of Collective Barging agreement. What is all that stuff? What's gonna happen if there is a lockout??

Why does the US Electoral College still continue today?

Because now more so than ever Americans vote on emotion and not logic. People are appointed to the electoral college that at least have the ability to synthesize information and form a coherent opinion.

Fantasy baseball help pleeeeeease?

I had a horrid auto draft and want to drop Richie son or Evan Longoria for Either Frank Thomas or JIm Thome to old gunners. Should i just drop son and Longoria for Thome and Thomas?

Would you vote for Obama if you knew he was really a Muslim?

Very well said. He is a Muslim in Christian clothing. His church also speaks volumes about who he really is.

Monday, August 8, 2011

How many people here were adults BEFORE the Nixon years, so you remember what prosperity is?

That "prosperity" you speak of was what we won in WW2. Europe was destroyed and we were the only country with industry left in the world. Now we have to compete with everyone and the only things granting us prosperity are new innovations and our ability to dominate the resources of the world to our advantage.

13 DPO, symptoms, should I be worried?

I got my BFP yesterday at 12 DPO. on 11 DPO I had cramps, and nausea off and on, then on 12 DPO I still had some cramps, and I had sore . Today, not as much cramping, hardly no sickness, and my s are less sore. Should I be worried about this?

Which Blu-ray Player has the best/highest/most stable Blu-ray disc playback compatibility?

You might just need a firmware update from Samsung. I have an older Panasonic player model BD-10 which is one of the first blu ray in the market and have had no problem. Go online to Home Theater Magazine and read the reviews on blu ray disc player. The best entry level blu ray player in the market today are the Panasonic BD-60 and the Sony PS3 and at mid range are Panasonic BD-55, LG-390, Samsung 3600 and the OPPO. A year ago I purchased a couple of Panasonic BD-35 (which was replaced by the BD-60) for my kids for christmas and have had no problems. Hope this will help you out.

Anatomy and physiology 2 help. I am having a rough time?

Those are two difficult subjects. You could look them up on youtube, discovery channel, or research online. good luck.

How well have I eaten so far today?

You are doing good. Just remember if you are going to be working out to add some protein to your diet. Also include a lot of fiber. So is is good that you had the raisin bran. Keep it up.

Do i still have to pay the bank if i already got the title to my car?

I bought a car from a dealership and than i move out of state. So I went and get a new license plate for the car. So than I think the DMV might have mess up somewere and they send me the title to my car with no lean holder or co-signer. but than i still old the bank about 5g on the car.. So if i dont pay the bank, can the bank do anything about it??

My bunny keeps pulling her fur it out and filling her mouth full of it, she has never been with another rabbi

i know my bunny cannot be pregnant, shes never been around another rabbit. she lives in my house as a pet. some of the hair has blood on it. she is starting to get a good sized bald spot under her chin area. what should i do about it?

How to survive a night of dancing in 3 inch heels?

strange as this may sound buy pole dancing heels from places like garage shoes these are very high and somehow your feet wont get sore otherwise theres no other way lol just drink loads of alcohol if your allowed and try to stay upright lol in response to the boots your feet might swell from all that hoseiry sometimes i feel that heel insoles only help you can buy these from the poundland good luck

Why does our puppy goto toilet inside the house?

Our puppy is 9 weeks old and we have had him for just over 1 week. We are toilet training him by taking him outside into the garden regularly on a lead and saying "toilet" and then waiting for him to go before chanting the command over and over. A treat is then immediately given and lots of praise. However i do expect accidents inside the house but recently we have been taking him outside and he doesnt seem interested in going to toilet, then as soon as you cross the threshold into the house he will then goto toilet. He doesnt even seem to care where he does it, even on his bed in his crate, day or night. We have a spray to remove the odour and deter him from repeating the accident in the same spot. He does seem very excited being a puppy, but i dont understand why he seems to wait until indoors to go, any ideas people?

If am man & a woman were stranded on a deserted island with no food...?

would the woman live longer because of having a dietary source of protien available to her, until his death?

Some questions about ?

you need to know about Transmittion of Infections and you should be able to protect yourself - see in:

Which injured players should I get, if any?

Okay there are some injured free agents in my league, that are pretty good players. There are Mike Bibby, Elton Brand, Tim Thomas, and Randy Foye. Should I pick any of them up right now, or should I take a risk and wait a little bit closer to their return?

Granddaughters stolen marble heart it was heavy weight about 25kilos may I take this opertunity to say thanks?

answer to some questions asked she was 17years old thrown from the back seat of a car that( the driver had hiden his seat belts down the back of the seats because it looked cool there was five in the car she was the only one killed the driver had his hand smacked by the law still driving around now getting on with his life he did not even say he was sorry

Is that keisha cole in flo rida new single? or another keisha ive seen it speeled kesha so is it her?

No. Its "Kesha" and she is the low octave singer in the song, the loud girl you hear is actually katy perry!

Benson or Moreno? Benson could be used lightly today...?

Benson is coming off of an injury and LJ seems to be getting touches so im afraid that Benson wont get 20+ carries vs the horrific Lions. Moreno Vs KC...What do you think? Thanks.

Is this a good resume for a teen with no work experience, not long?

That is very detailed. When looking for a job, you need to see if they have a job description for the job and use terms that they use. For instance, you put that you were a babysitter. If I were going to apply for a job where I was going to be in charge of watching over someone else or others, then I would say "responsible for the care, maintenance and well being of 6 children ages 4-9." And, in a brief review of your jobs and experiences it seems you have a lot more to offer than most that are your age. In fact, my neighbor's son recently graduated from College, and I helped him draft his resume for a job. He actually has less experience than you, with his only job having being a Life Guard. Also, give more information on offices or titles you held while in these clubs, as well as if you learned any skills. Good luck.

What is this song?? i need help!?

"now i gave her that OH, and shes walkin like OH!" ahhh... that is all i remember.... its a upbeat song...rap/hiphop/rb, somethin like that....its a fun song ha. i think its new on the radio! do u know what song im talkin about??

Why doesnt a CD Ive Burned PLay on My Ghetto blaster?

I am currently sing RealMusic (Frostwire) and the songs I have downloaded/burned onto a CD (for my own personal use) - the CD doesnt work in my ghetto blaster yet it works fine on Hi Fi and computer, why is this? (By the way I use my Ghetto Blaster when I am in the bath - outside the door!)

Built-in webcam not working at all?

I have an Acer eMachines E725 Laptop, with a built-in webcam. The problem is, it doesn't work at all, and presumably is not turned on. The computer didn't come with any software for it. How can I turn it on?

Find trace of girl Tinisha or Thalia in San Felix or Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela?

Im venezuelan but I didnt understand your question, could you be more specific? are you looking for a girl named Tinisha or Thalia?

Ever heard of this made for TV movie from the late 80's or early 90's?

All I can remember of it is the bad guy is a real old skinny man with long white hair wearing a duster or trench coat. He drives a carriage pulled by dead horses and has this worm type animal as a 'pet'. The 'pet' ends up helping the good guy tho, who's in a house with a shotgun trying to keep the bad guy out. I remember him hiding in the fireplace holding the shot gun.

Hello i am trying to find boots for winter?

oh i live in Alberta Canada and i really need new boots for winter my other ones are three years old and have holes in them. what i need is a warm waterproof no heel boot. i don't really like ugg style of boots so please don't say try ugg style. oh they have to be cute too and would love also wearing them in the fall / spring too oh if you could also make sure they come in blue or red or yellow or black those are my fav colours thanks

Are you ok with big corporation and big oil lobbyists running the McCain campaign?

I'm not going through read all the bull, no thanks. Barack lacks experience, that's more scary than some lobbyist.

Is my Louis Vuitton real or fake (slightly long description of purse inside)?

sounds real what the inside like thats a tell tale sign that it might be fake if the inside looks cheap

Why did team Mayweather uses the 14 day cut off on Pacquiao excuse as the reason why the fight did'nt happen?

To make the Arguments Short and Simple,Just follow the Guidelines and rules that NSAC imposed, Not by making and or dictating your own Rules to be followed.

Where does an education woman go to find work overseas?

On vacation last week I met a person that works for an oil company based out of Texas. He said he used to be a psychologist but found this work to be more rewarding and he makes much more money working out of the country. He said I should try it too. I have taught school 12 years, I have a master's degree and I am so burned out I quit teaching. I can't find where these companies are. They are exploration (drilling) oil companies. Can anyone offer advise for this or anything interesting like this? I might should mention I am a woman and I am willing to work in harsh environments to retire early.

Why is my tongue SO sensative to sour stuff?

About a week or two ago I ate a whole bag of sour skittles. All was fine until a few days later, my whole tongue turned white and I had to go to the doctor's & get medicine. My tongue hurt really bad, like it was itchy and there were all these cuts on my tongue. Now it's happening again, all I did was eat some starburst yesterday! They are hardly sour, just citris-y, I learned my lesson to stay away from sour candy, but I didn't think the starburst would do any harm! Why is my tongue reacting like this, it hasn't before! & What can I do about it? Thanksx.