Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Should we Thank the Arab-Islamic Civilization for taught us the Numbers(0123456789...)?

Just like you typed?? We all have 8 fingers, and two thumbs, on our hands and 10 toes! Sooner or later, we would have learned to count to ten! The Romans were stuck on straight lines, no curves or circles! Some just used symbols! Even when it came to letters!! Some just print or write from the left, some start at the right! There are others who go from top to bottom! Ours is a mixture of the lot! When did we start joining our letters together? The Dead Sea Scrolls, aren't. The egyptians, Japanese, Chinese etc etc. Writing was an art back then, nowadays, we are actually getting away from writing with a pen or a pencil by means of a typewriter, computer key-board (where all your spelling mistakes can be corrected by using the machines brains instead of ours!) We are abbreviating most of spoken words, pretty soon, that's all we will be using to get our messages across!! Why should we thank the Islamics for numbers, like I already said, we DO have brains, and we would have figured it out for ourselves!

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