Thursday, August 18, 2011

Does 2012 anticipation conflict with Creationist belief?

Sin does deserve death, and it will lead to hell,, unless you get saved and say sorry to god, it is even easier in some ways to go to heaven then hell. and the rapture will only come, as the bible says when every human being has had a chance to convert to christianity so no everyone will at least have heard of it at a time. All people will have heard all they need to hear to be saved, if they do not get saved it only means they can't possibly be saved until the rapture no matter how much you teach them, or not at all because of the stubbornness of man. and The bible says no person knows the times of the rapture but god the father, and there is a good chance that the world will not end in 2012, it could end then or 20 yrs from now. and also there are movies and books on why evolution is wrong. Even the creator of it said that if anything is found more complex then what was known then then his theory would be false, and he himself on some accounts turned to a life of god. Charles Darwin I think he was. Besides evolution alone could not have created the tiny very complex machine in the flagella, and yes it is a literal machine made out of protein. Also there is no real proof the earth was here billions of yrs. things that old could never be accurately aged. do you really think man alone can find out what exactly happened so so so so so so so long ago? the only real proof of age is written accounts, according to the bible people didn't speak in 4000 b.c they spoke all the time.and if the planets could ever cause the end of the world, then if the earth is 4.5 billion years old, why hasn't the planets destroyed the earth in the 141,912,000,000,000,000 seconds its been here? (and yes that is 141 quadrillion) Speaking of alignment of the earth, what are he odds that the planets are so perfectly aligned that life can even be here4? an inch closer to the sun we die. and inch farther we die. any bigger we would have a part of the earth to close and we die. and smaller and it would be too small for atmosphere. the big bang alone could never have done this. its exactly like taking grinded and messed up parts of a car blowing it up and getting a well put together car. but no matter how many times you did that it would never make a car. stick to christianity and your old beliefs dont fall to the false science of man. God bless!

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