Friday, August 12, 2011

Omg i gave him the wrong note!?

ok well my bff got grounded, and she cant tlk on the phone so instead she rights me notes, like 3 pages long will shes gotta thing for this guy (AKA: GREG) and in her not she waz explaing me how much she realy likes him! and wanting to go to his house and everything, NOT only did she have the guy she likes in there but the guy i like aswell! (AKA: ANDREW) so she wanted me to write a plan simple note asking greg out for her, so i wrote a note and folded it up, we was walking down the hall way and i had 2 notes in my hand and i gave him the note in my left, well i got to my homeroom and relized I GAVE HIM THE WRONG NOTE!!! the note that my bff wrote me THE NIGHT BEFORE THE ONE NO ONE WAS SUPOSED TO SEE!!! omg im sooooo emberrsed right now and so is my bff, i mean what if he goes and tells people and lets people read it!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i am soo close to going out with andrew and now...... :( im so scared and nervous i dont wanna go to school tommorow plez help me what am i going to do

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