Thursday, August 18, 2011

India should spent money on domestic problems rather then waste on moon exploration..?

is it not prudent to solve problems on earth before we go to other planets. we would then only have more problems that way. don't get me wrong it is an investment that should be exploited but if the population was healthier then the country would perform better thus the country would be more prepared for going into space if thats a way to convince india to spend more on domestic problems

Why do wwe superstars quit and go to Tna Impact?

Cus of how lame its become. thats why they trash talk it. They know Sharkboy copies stone cod. That's the point. Its making fun of austin. they go to TNA cus all their shows are in one area. except for their ppv's. WWE is in a different city every night all week. Their travel schedule is lighter

Do you think Manny Ramirez is over rated?

I cant stand him one bit! i think he is the most over rated player in baseball! When a-rod was confronted with using steroids he got a load of crap! but when manny gets caught using steroids (for women!!!!!!!!!!!!) he gets nothing!!!!! it makes me so mad! so does any one agree with me?

What countries are drowning bec of the melting ice caps?

none consider the m of the polar ice caps that are above sea level,(the ice below sea level won't rise the sea level) spread out over the area of the seas and oceans of the world would not rise the level that much. That is if you believe that the caps are melting.


Im about to buy a new motherboard with a FSB speed of 1333mhz...does that mean that my processor also has to be 1333mhz? right now its 1033 i think, but running at 1200mhz FSB So someone please help

Are you in favor of gun control?

Oh how I used to be! But now after having seen Martial Law, I understand that every govt on earth first takes away the guns, then the freedoms, then they do whatever they want with you. Mao, Clinton, Stalin, Bush, Hitler, they have all done it and contrary to what people think bush is destroying the 2nd amendment. Gun registration in to track law abiding americans, not criminals, since a criminal would never register a gun by definition. America is a violent violent culture and is being taught to be that way, look at what my parents watch in primetime, criminal minds, csi, law and order, nypd blue etc..not to mention the news...its all their to get you to think about violence so we all give it thought so we make more of it. But we must have guns, and powerful ones at that, that can body armor when the atf come into our homes to confie our guns by force like they did to the millionaires during katrina. Peace.

Does anyone still think autotune is cool?

Apparently, Will.I.Am thinks so. I feel sorry for the other 2 guys whatever the hell their names are. Will.I.Am and Fergie hog the spotlight and they suck. What are your thoughts?